Kyler Murray thinks he’s Thanos ... but what does that mean?!

I shouldn’t be obsessing over this tweet, but I can’t help it.

Cardinals quarterback Kyler Murray isn’t what I’d call an avid Twitter user, which makes him infinitely smarter than I am. But what this means is that when he tweets, it means something, and over the weekend Murray posted something rather curious.

Let it be known that I have a penchant or over-analyzing things, to a fault. I will not deny that’s coming into play here. I mean, dude could have just searched “dude resting” and posted this not thinking about it being Thanos, and embodying his bye week, but I’m just obsessed with it.

This scene comes after Thanos has snapped his fingers and murdered half the world’s population. Finally able to rest, his job done, Thanos retreats to a quiet life. Is Murray saying he’s already killed half the NFL? Is he saying his job is done? Because it’s definitely not, we haven’t even hit the playoffs yet.

Why Thanos? It’s a bizarre choice for any character to emulate. I mean, Thanos sacrificed his family, everything he holds dear, just to fulfill a misguided dream of world domination. Is Murray saying he’s ready to give ANYTHING to bring a Super Bowl to Arizona? What if this means killing half his own team in the process? Thanos would do it, would Murray?

Everyone is interpreting this as a sign that Murray is back, ready to go, and poised to start once again for the Cardinals. This is a very logical choice, but why then post a GIF of an old transhuman space king sitting on his busted ass farm like it’s all over?

I mean, if we’re being literal about this, I think Kyler Murray just retired. I’m just struggling to understand how this all fits together, and it’s driving me bananas.

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