How to Overlay Text on Images in Google Docs

Earlier this week Google finally added the option to overlay text on top of images in Google Docs. Since then I've had a few people email me to ask for clarification about how that works. The most important "trick" of the process is to write your text before adding your image. Then when you insert your image you'll position it behind the text. Once that's done you can use all of the normal text editing processes in Google Docs. In this short video I demonstrate how to overlay text on images in Google Docs. 

It's important to note that the new image options in Google Docs haven't been added to all Google accounts, yet. I'm still only seeing it in two of my four Google accounts.

This post originally appeared on If you see it elsewhere, it has been used without permission. Sites that steal my (Richard Byrne's) work include CloudComputin and WayBetterSite. Featured graphic create by Richard Byrne using Canva.

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